Nowadays our first half is in household work and then the second half is office work.
This is what work-life balance is. This was not my subject of discussion today but I think this is the best subject in today's scenario. What do you think?
Sharing some of the points we can consider when we are working from home.
1. Prioritised you time: schedule the time for your work and household work. If we schedule what to do, when to do it will be easy for all at the home to work accordingly.
2. Have family time too: have some family time where together you can Gupshup, have lunch or dinner together. Even get help from your family members in your household work. If you ask they will help. So don't hesitate for asking help.
3. Schedule one thing at a time on a plate: Don't be a superwoman, we don't have to show our family members or anybody else in that case that we are superwomen or supermoms. It's okay if something is not going the way you schedule or planned for.
4. Dress up girl: even we are at home we can dress up a bit to feel good. It's important we feel good about ourselves. The situation will be easy if we feel good about us. So dress up, do your hair and feel fresh...
Have a great day ahead and Stay Home Stay Safe
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